Monday, September 29, 2008

After the week I've had...

... I don't even care if someone is offended. If you can't laugh at this, you need to buy a sense of HUMOR!!!

Oh, and no... I don't live in Nebraska... my family does...

And no... I don't like the state... except a handful of people I know

And absolutely NO... I will NEVER live there again!!

I fall into the HICKS!! How about you?

P.S. Feel free to prove you aren't offended by reposting this if you like. I think it's hilarious!!

Edit: The NE section is titled "British" - the black section (D.C.) is titled "Useless" - Florida is titled "Cuba" - Louisianna is titled "Water" - Hawaii is titled "Japan" I think that covers all the unreadables! Thanks to winter for pointing that out!


Grandma Lola said...

Yep, this is too funny! I fall into the cheesehead category with a side of nothing because I literally live a 1/2 mile from the Illinois border. heh

BTW niiiiice new header honey, you rock at this stuff!

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

Well, apparently...I fall into Mexico. But, I'm in the Southern Texan part, LOL! My DH would get a kick out of this.

Hope all is well over at your place. I was still reeling a little last night and this morning thinking about your Baby Gal.

Major.Sunshine said...

Well, according to this map...
...Mom's family are a bunch of KKK members (yep!)
...Bio Father's family are all Mormons (check!)
...Dad's family is nothing (eh... some of 'em)
...I'm a hick
...My sister * best friend are both Japanese
...and I used to date a whore!

I think it's pretty accurate :)

Anonymous said...

Where did your visitor counter go.. I'm trying to beat you .. and now I have no clue...

mom mie

Winterskiprincess said...

I can't read what I am. I will have to find this, so I can see what Massachusetts is!!

Major.Sunshine said...

winter--> British :)

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.

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